"NPK Pozhkhimzaschita"
About company: We have developed and mass-produced 15 new products, most of which has no analogues in Russia.
Certified means of protection and rescue of citizens during fires and emergencies: protective equipment and mobile fire-extinguishing means, means of respiratory protection and first-aid kit, a rescue device for emergency evacuation in the two-level railway cars.
About the company: Russian Research Center to develop safe means to protect the skin
The RANGE of PRODUCTS: Innovative means of dermatological PPE to protect, clean and regenerate the skin – hydrophilic and hydrophobic creams, cleansing, disinfectant, repellent and reducing agents.
About the company: international manufacturer and supplier of professional hand protection. The company's products has high quality raw materials and packaging. We do not stop there, expanding the range and are interested in new partners.
The RANGE of PRODUCTS: sunscreen lotions, cleansers, creams to restore the skin after exposure to harmful factors, insect repellent, gloves, disinfectants, first aid at mechanical and chemical damage, equipment for individual use and to equip work spaces.
ZAO "Vitalfarm"
About the company: JSC "Vitalfarm" medical research and production company – supplier and manufacturer of medical products and first aid. Another direction is the production of a backing cloth with PVC coating. The third phase is a plastisol shop for the manufacture of syringes. The fourth area - the sewing shop, which produces textile cases for first aid kits, edged buckram backing, mattress covers, products for the care of children.
ZAO "Vitalfarm" produces the whole range of medical property to equip units of the emergency response: stacking, KINGS, first aid kits, stretchers and first aid kits for various industries.
About the company: with 2014 QUASAR provides services in automation of business processes through the development x technical solutions.
- "ESMO - Electronic system of medical examinations" (ESMO);
- Terminal for pre-shift examinations (Chair);
- Contactless pupillometer;
- Module "Verification screen signature";
- Automated workplace of the doctor module "Shop therapist";
- the Module "prediction of cardiovascular risk"
OOO "Alcaria"
OOO "Alcaria" - the Russian manufacturer of innovative medical and consumer products with a filler of microsteamer for rehabilitation and prevention
OOO "Alcaria" produces sets of equipment for the relaxation and psychological relief, characterized by high efficacy and safety both in terms of restoring health and preventing a number of diseases.
The use of this equipment allows us to deal not only with such privatnosti as a mental and emotional overload, over-voltage analyzers, professional burnout, but also with professional diseases, caused by static muscle tension and musculoskeletal system, forced posture, injury to the nerves.
The company also produces products for the equipment of workplaces, including people with disabilities, applicators for individual use, rehabilitation for injuries and occupational diseases
CJSC CROC incorporated
CROC has been working in the IT market since 1992 and is today one of the top 10 IT companies (RIA Rating, Kommersant Dengi, Expert Rating Agency, 2015-2016) and the top three consulting businesses (Kommersant Dengi, Expert Rating Agency, 2016) in Russia.
CROC regularly ranks among the top three Russian IT service providers to the finance (TAdviser, 2016), healthcare and transportation (CNews, 2016), energy and manufacturing (Manufacturing Management portal, 2016) sectors.
- To ensure industrial and occupational safety, CROC offers metering, data collection and processing, and universal drone and autopilot management systems, as well as portable devices, mobile and stationary medical diagnostic suites, biometric authentication tools, situation and command centers, etc.
As a systems integrator, CROC can also implement integrated information systems (including its proprietary ones), computing suites, telecom and engineering infrastructure, as well as ensure information security and provide technical support for all solutions.
A company “SpecKomplekt” has been a wholesale
distributor of working clothes, working footwear, Personal Protective Equipment
and associated goods for workplace safety for more than 15 years, coming out to
be a reliable partner for mining enterprises, pulp and paper industries, oil
and metallurgical complex enterprises, car manufacturing and other businesses
throughout Russia. We offer our clients only certificated high quality products
of leading European manufacturers. Nowadays the company is an expert in health
and safety implementation and represents its products in all the regions of RF.
www.ezda.ru [email protected]
Training company in the field of defensive and safe driving.
Experts in the field of safe driving, we are in the market since 2001, has trained more than 20 thousand drivers.
Among the company's customers – major international companies of oil and gas, pharmaceutical, transport, FMCG and other industries.
Training center "Aktiv-Bezopasnost" renders services on training and testing enterprise drivers, sales representatives on the territory of Russia.
All of our coaches have the same level of qualification and certified by RoSPA.
We believe that it is better not to fall into a difficult situation rather than get out from it.